Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Completely random and useless

This marks the 100th post. Wow! In honor of that, I am going to make a list of 100 useless random silly irrelevant absolutely brilliant pieces of information!
  1. I am a female.
  2. I like being a female most of the time.
  3. I do not like pantyhose.
  4. I have the whitest legs on the planet.
  5. And yet, I still refuse to wear pantyhose.
  6. Pantyhose itch, chafe, irritate, and just generally annoy.
  7. Plus, they cut off the circulation to my legs.
  8. I do not wear make-up.
  9. I do occasionally wear lip gloss or lipstick. Very rarely.
  10. I do not own any hair care appliances.
  11. Well, I own a hair dryer, but that is all.
  12. I haven't worn a dress or a skirt in well over a year.
  13. I can't actually remember the last time I wore a dress or a skirt.
  14. I don't wear jewelry very often.
  15. My wedding ring does not fit anymore, so I never wear it.
  16. I don't wear a watch.
  17. Once in awhile I wear earrings.
  18. This list is starting to make me think maybe item #1 isn't entirely true.
  19. I'm joking.
  20. But I am not a girly-girl.
  21. I don't particularly like pink.
  22. Or purple.
  23. Oh, wait! I like nail polish!
  24. Does that qualify me for female-hood?
  25. In the summer I will paint my toenails.
  26. Not my fingernails.
  27. I like crazy colors on my toes.
  28. When I was pregnant with Dino, my doctor told me to take off my toenail polish before he was born.
  29. It was a pale blue color that led her to believe I had some problems.
  30. I forgot to remove it until the night my water broke.
  31. You're imagining a 9-month pregnant, laboring woman removing toenail polish, aren't you?
  32. It was comical.
  33. Oh, hey, being pregnant proves I'm a female!! Yay!!
  34. I can prattle on like this for hours.
  35. I'm just getting warmed up.
  36. Aren't you lucky?!?
  37. I have the best friends in the world.
  38. No, seriously, I mean that.
  39. I have friends that will always be there for me.
  40. I have friends who send me random packages in the mail just to cheer me up.
  41. I have friends who will play silly games with me just cause I like them.
  42. I have friends who laugh at my ridiculous jokes.
  43. I have friends that even when it's been awhile since we've talked, we're so close we can just pick up where we left off.
  44. I love that.
  45. Some of the best friends I have ever had in my life I've met online.
  46. Only some of them have I met in person.
  47. I have some friends that I only know online.
  48. They are still some of my very best friends ever.
  49. I love that I can be myself with them and they accept me anyway.
  50. I also love that my friends love me in spite of myself.
  51. They can look past the goof ball and see the vulnerable inside of me.
  52. And love me anyway.
  53. My family loves me too.
  54. But they have to. It's in the contract.
  55. I should really make a contract and make them all sign it.
  56. That would be fun.
  57. I have a crazy family.
  58. I have two moms.
  59. I have two dads.
  60. And I really consider them that way.
  61. I will often say step-parent just to differentiate.
  62. I have one brother who shares the same mother and father biologically.
  63. I have 4 other brothers.
  64. I have no sisters.
  65. Maybe this ties into the whole me not being all that girly.
  66. Between all my brothers, I have 5 nieces and 5 nephews.
  67. And I have 4 sisters-in-law.
  68. And some of them are awesome.
  69. Okay, I'm joking.
  70. All of them are awesome.
  71. Hey, they married into our family so they must be pretty darn fabulous!
  72. One of my brothers is an alcoholic.
  73. I want to save him.
  74. I can't.
  75. He makes me really ticked off sometimes.
  76. But I still love him.
  77. Another one of my brothers is an arrogant jerk.
  78. I usually only see him once a year.
  79. But, again, I still love him.
  80. I would still do anything for him.
  81. Not all of my brothers know Jesus.
  82. I wish they all did.
  83. I breaks my heart to think that they don't want to know the Lord.
  84. Then I think about everyone else who doesn't know the Lord.
  85. And I wish I could save everyone.
  86. But I can't.
  87. I can't save anyone.
  88. It's not my job.
  89. My job is only to live the life God wants me to live.
  90. I can only be a witness for Him.
  91. He's the one who does the actual saving.
  92. And golly bum, He's fantastic at it.
  93. He saved me.
  94. And I am forever grateful.
  95. Not only did He give me the greatest gift ever, my salvation, He also showers me with blessings.
  96. He gave me tons of wonderful friends.
  97. He made me a part of my fabulous family.
  98. He blessed me with the most amazing husband.
  99. He thought enough of me to allow me to raise three of the best boys in the entire world.
  100. He is.

Wow! Easier than I thought. I can talk a lot. But it took me several days to complete this blog. I only had one sentence for days. Some kind of mental block.
But I'm back now. And I already have a great blog planned for tomorrow. Stay tuned!


Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

I love random posts! Yours was very fun to read. Thanks for sharing. And for your kind comment on my blog.

Natalie said...

Hi my name is Natalie. I just stumbled across your blog. I was reading comments on "Sailor & Company" and just decided to click on over to your blog. This post made me laugh a lot. You are funny and lovely. Shalom and Blessings :D


Natalie said...

Hi Mae :)
Is it okay if I post a link to your blog on my blog?

Check me out:

Michelle said...

Hey, Happy 100th!!

Loved the post, and learning more about you. Hugs.

Erica said...

#s 4 & 5 made me laugh out loud! Great post :-)