- I am a female.
- I like being a female most of the time.
- I do not like pantyhose.
- I have the whitest legs on the planet.
- And yet, I still refuse to wear pantyhose.
- Pantyhose itch, chafe, irritate, and just generally annoy.
- Plus, they cut off the circulation to my legs.
- I do not wear make-up.
- I do occasionally wear lip gloss or lipstick. Very rarely.
- I do not own any hair care appliances.
- Well, I own a hair dryer, but that is all.
- I haven't worn a dress or a skirt in well over a year.
- I can't actually remember the last time I wore a dress or a skirt.
- I don't wear jewelry very often.
- My wedding ring does not fit anymore, so I never wear it.
- I don't wear a watch.
- Once in awhile I wear earrings.
- This list is starting to make me think maybe item #1 isn't entirely true.
- I'm joking.
- But I am not a girly-girl.
- I don't particularly like pink.
- Or purple.
- Oh, wait! I like nail polish!
- Does that qualify me for female-hood?
- In the summer I will paint my toenails.
- Not my fingernails.
- I like crazy colors on my toes.
- When I was pregnant with Dino, my doctor told me to take off my toenail polish before he was born.
- It was a pale blue color that led her to believe I had some problems.
- I forgot to remove it until the night my water broke.
- You're imagining a 9-month pregnant, laboring woman removing toenail polish, aren't you?
- It was comical.
- Oh, hey, being pregnant proves I'm a female!! Yay!!
- I can prattle on like this for hours.
- I'm just getting warmed up.
- Aren't you lucky?!?
- I have the best friends in the world.
- No, seriously, I mean that.
- I have friends that will always be there for me.
- I have friends who send me random packages in the mail just to cheer me up.
- I have friends who will play silly games with me just cause I like them.
- I have friends who laugh at my ridiculous jokes.
- I have friends that even when it's been awhile since we've talked, we're so close we can just pick up where we left off.
- I love that.
- Some of the best friends I have ever had in my life I've met online.
- Only some of them have I met in person.
- I have some friends that I only know online.
- They are still some of my very best friends ever.
- I love that I can be myself with them and they accept me anyway.
- I also love that my friends love me in spite of myself.
- They can look past the goof ball and see the vulnerable inside of me.
- And love me anyway.
- My family loves me too.
- But they have to. It's in the contract.
- I should really make a contract and make them all sign it.
- That would be fun.
- I have a crazy family.
- I have two moms.
- I have two dads.
- And I really consider them that way.
- I will often say step-parent just to differentiate.
- I have one brother who shares the same mother and father biologically.
- I have 4 other brothers.
- I have no sisters.
- Maybe this ties into the whole me not being all that girly.
- Between all my brothers, I have 5 nieces and 5 nephews.
- And I have 4 sisters-in-law.
- And some of them are awesome.
- Okay, I'm joking.
- All of them are awesome.
- Hey, they married into our family so they must be pretty darn fabulous!
- One of my brothers is an alcoholic.
- I want to save him.
- I can't.
- He makes me really ticked off sometimes.
- But I still love him.
- Another one of my brothers is an arrogant jerk.
- I usually only see him once a year.
- But, again, I still love him.
- I would still do anything for him.
- Not all of my brothers know Jesus.
- I wish they all did.
- I breaks my heart to think that they don't want to know the Lord.
- Then I think about everyone else who doesn't know the Lord.
- And I wish I could save everyone.
- But I can't.
- I can't save anyone.
- It's not my job.
- My job is only to live the life God wants me to live.
- I can only be a witness for Him.
- He's the one who does the actual saving.
- And golly bum, He's fantastic at it.
- He saved me.
- And I am forever grateful.
- Not only did He give me the greatest gift ever, my salvation, He also showers me with blessings.
- He gave me tons of wonderful friends.
- He made me a part of my fabulous family.
- He blessed me with the most amazing husband.
- He thought enough of me to allow me to raise three of the best boys in the entire world.
- He is.
Wow! Easier than I thought. I can talk a lot. But it took me several days to complete this blog. I only had one sentence for days. Some kind of mental block.
But I'm back now. And I already have a great blog planned for tomorrow. Stay tuned!
I love random posts! Yours was very fun to read. Thanks for sharing. And for your kind comment on my blog.
Hi my name is Natalie. I just stumbled across your blog. I was reading comments on "Sailor & Company" and just decided to click on over to your blog. This post made me laugh a lot. You are funny and lovely. Shalom and Blessings :D
Hi Mae :)
Is it okay if I post a link to your blog on my blog?
Check me out: www.youreimportant.blogspot.com
Hey, Happy 100th!!
Loved the post, and learning more about you. Hugs.
#s 4 & 5 made me laugh out loud! Great post :-)
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