Monday, April 27, 2009

Oh Happy Day! Now times two!

I am over the moon right now!! There's a new baby to love in this world!
A dear friend just called and her second daughter was born late last night.
What a great birthday present for me!
I'm so excited for the entire family.

Dear sweet baby girl,
I am so glad to know that you are here and that you arrived safely. It has been my great privilege to know your mother and be able to walk with her through the journey of you. You are a very loved little girl. I am looking forward to getting to know you over the years. Happy birthday little one!!
Love you tremendously,

*** And now, I am tickled pink (and blue) again!! On Friday, another friend had her family get even larger. She welcomed twins, a boy and a girl. And as with the other sweet girl, I am so looking forward to getting to know these two little ones. I have been blessed to know their mother and can't wait to watch them grow! ***

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