Thursday, December 10, 2009

What in the World is Going On?

I just got home. I'm tired. But I feel the need to at least put something on here. It's the tenth of December. It's been awhile since I wrote anything. Well, I did write one thing but it was more therapeutic so I did not publish it. But, I'm babbling.

So, tonight I was at my weekly Bible study with some friends. We just started it back up a few weeks ago after a several month hiatus. And it feels so good. We've been watching some dvd's right now and when we finish, we are going to move to a more hands on study of the Bible.
But the dvd's we've been watching have been very good. It's David Jeremiah's What In the World Is Going On? I have really enjoyed it. I like to listen to David Jeremiah; I like the way he talks. And the information he is giving is fantastic. I don't know much about prophecy, some but not a ton of detail. So I have learned a lot. And if he and so many others are right, we are living in the end times. And it is soooooo exciting!
The Lord may not be coming back soon, but He is coming back at some point. And if it is now, WOW! He chose for us to be alive for it! Don't you just get chills thinking about that? I do!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting a review of "What in the World Is Going On?" on your blog! I work with Thomas Nelson, and we would love to follow your blog and learn what readers think of this exciting book. I also want to let you know that Dr. Jeremiah has just released a new book titled "Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World" which offers practical instruction for living a confident life in a world filled with chaos and crisis. Please contact me with your mailing address if you are interested in receiving a complimentary copy of Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World for review on your site.


Jodi Hughes